
Do you want to heat your home with renewable energy and eliminate half or more of your annual heating bills?
Here’s how to apply to possibly receive a free air-source heat pump!

  • If you are interested in nearly halving your annual home heating bills, while eliminating your current oil heating system’s carbon emissions, and you and your home meet the eligibility criteria detailed below, read ALL of the following instructions and complete the application which follows.
  • If you have any application-specific questions that you feel are not answered below, please email us and we’ll address them as quickly as possible:
  • Applications can be completed on this site or downloaded and then printed and mailed to: Renewable Juneau, Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund, P.O. Box 22227, Juneau, AK 99802.
  • Applications and required income documents will be reviewed as time and funding permits and will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. The number of oil to heat pump conversions awarded will be based on available funding. If your application is accepted and adequate funds are unavailable, you will be notified and placed on a wait list.
  • Your residence must be in Alaska.
  • Combined household income cannot exceed 80% of your community’s median area income (see Juneau table below)
  • You must provide all required applicable application documentation and required information
  • Along with either your emailed or printed application, we ask that you submit the following documentation, via our secure file upload portal (you’ll be given access after applying) or USPS mail.

    NOTE: We do not need or want social security numbers or other account numbers. Please cross these out or eliminate them in some way.


  1. ID for all occupants of the home
  2. Proof of home ownership (title, deed, insurance statement)
  3. One month of most recent paycheck stubs for all jobs held in the previous year (all wage earners)
  4. Current social security/disability award letter (if applicable)
  5. Current pension/annuity letter (if applicable)
  6. Court-ordered child support statement (if applicable)
  7. Unemployment income (if applicable)
  8. Documentation of any other income sources including rental income, retirement, income, investment income etc.
  9. Proof of school registration, for children attending college who reside in the home when not at school (if applicable)

Please review our document privacy policy.

The Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund partners with Alaska Heat Smart, a Juneau nonprofit that advises and educates on energy efficiency and heat pump solutions. If it is determined that that you are eligible, you will be contacted by an Alaska Heat Smart energy advisor who will work with you to schedule a home visit (or phone consult) at your convenience. You and the advisor will walk through or discuss your home and determine what heat pump system is ideal for your home heating needs, as well as what possible energy issues your home presents that should be addressed beforehand.

Our entire process can take anywhere from six to twelve weeks, from application and documentation review to final installation of your new air source heat pump. Supply chain issues, contractor work loads, and inclement weather can delay necessary installation work.

Recipients of Alaska Carbon Reduction Funds may be asked to speak with local media outlets about their experience. And, recipients of Alaska Carbon Reduction Funds may be asked to display a yard sign or similar announcement for one month ‘advertising’ their home energy system upgrade.


Step 1: Complete the application form.
Step 2: Upload income, employment, and oil use history documentation, along with signed Information Release and Waiver, via our secure file upload portal. You’ll receive a link to this portal once we receive your application.
Step 3: Staff review of application and required paperwork.
Step 4: Home energy assessment by Alaska Heat Smart.
Step 5: Heat pump installation and slashing of heating bills!


HOME OWNERSHIP: Applicants must provide proof of home ownership when and if their initial application is accepted. Only property owners or a property owner designee may apply.
HOUSEHOLD INCOME must not exceed 80% of the median area income for your town of residence. The below figures are for Juneau.

1 234 5 6
80% MAI$67,700$77,350$87,000$96,650$104,400$112,150
Source: FY 2024 Income Limits Documentation System
  1. INSPECTION AND CONSULTATION: Successful applicants must agree to a home inspection. The inspection, by either an energy advisor with Alaska Heat Smart or a professional heat pump installer, will assist in determining your home’s appropriateness for use of a heat pump, the best size and location for a heat pump, and the degree of potential electrical work needed. The homeowner must agree to the installation of the heat pump in the location recommended by the assessing professional or installer.
  2. EXISTING HEAT SOURCE: Existing heat source to be replaced must be a Monitor or Toyo diesel stove or other fossil fuel burning system. Some oil-based systems may be ineligible for replacement due to their complexity, home layout and design, poor condition of current electrical infrastructure, high cost, etc. Since this program intends in part to eliminate your need for fossil fuel heating, the level of support offered may in part be determined by your annual energy use.
  3. ELECTRICAL PANEL: If your home’s electrical panel is lacking space for new circuits (breakers), or requires upgrade work to allow for a heat pump connection to be made, the cost of your project may be too expensive for this program. In some cases, the homeowner may be asked to find funding to cover electrical work that is ‘over budget’. Look here for a brief overview of three electrical panels and a few things to look for in your home’s system.
  4. APPLICANTS AGREE to allow Renewable Juneau and the Alaska Carbon Reduction Fund to share information about the work performed with the public, local media and social media. All personal and financial information is confidential and will not be shared. Applicants also agree to provide follow-up information about ‘after-install’ operating costs, information that will be helpful to the program and future participants